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Bridge into the Woods

Yatruh - Your Life Path 

Yatruh helps you achieve your loftiest life aspirations by pairing you with those who have successfully navigated similar paths. 


Turn your dreams into triumphant realities.

About Yatruh

Yatruh (Sanskrit, yātrā) means journey in hindi.

Let's journey together. 

Many of us are stuck in some way in our personal or professional lives. Unfortunately, seeking help has become overcomplicated.


At Yatruh, we believe that seeking help should be easier and life long learning should be more accessible. We are bridging a gap between Pathfinders seeking help and those Gurus able to give it. We're doing this by creating the worlds largest network of untapped life experience, and making it available for the first time to those who need it with the aim of helping our Pathfinders achieve happiness.


Get started today! 

Why We're Different

Unlike any other self-help solution


Untapped Insight

Untapped real-life expertise is being overshadowed by detached social media influencers and celebrity-CEOs. Yatruh delivers valuable insights from our neighbourhood superheroes who have excelled professionally, in love, life, relationships, and overcome adversity. Benefit from their authentic wisdom by getting access to the only network of its kind. 


Next Step Pairing

We're dedicated to guiding you along your path toward your goals, connecting you with Gurus one to two steps ahead and those a mile ahead. By facilitating these connections, we pave the way for assistance with both your short and long-term objectives.


We're What's Missing

We aren't certified life coaches or therapists, though some may be among us. Large organizations have successful internal mentorship programs, showcasing the power of community-driven success through shared experience and wisdom. We believe this valuable wisdom shouldn't be exclusive to large institutions, and we're changing that narrative!


Forever Learning

Collaborating with our exceptional Gurus, we continuously capture their insights, forming the world's largest repository for practical self-help across generations. A timeless resource you'll always want at your fingertips. 

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